Quoting g4sra (g4...@yahoo.co.uk):

> I was pondering whether LFS will suit the corner cases which
> even Devuan cannot reach.
> Has anyone here have actual practical experience of using LFS to build
> anything moderate (or larger). If so, how much work did it take and was
> the effort worth it in the long run, were there any shortcomings ?

I've not used LFS.  I've talked to many people who have.

LFS is an exceptionl learning experience, for those who'd like to
understand the Linux-based implementtion of the *ix architecture at a
very fine, nuts-and-bolts level.  If your experience with it and its
associated book is like that of pretty much everyone I've discussed it
with, once you are done with that learning experience, you will in no
way want to build significant systems on it, and will have a renewed
appreciation for distributions where you aren't building everything from

Credible reviews:

And, um, those weren't difficult to find.  I think you'll be better off
if you do some basic research rather than expect the Internet to do your
thinking for you.

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