Man you guys have no idea how some of these SJW's operate and how much trumps election really brought out the evil on both sides.
After the election I was yelled at and physically attacked at many times by them because I "look like a trump supporter"[1], the news media blamed poor white people for him getting elected[2] and the new money white commie kids lapped it up and went around in groups looking for people to harass and attack in my city. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and as someone who grew up poor I have been fucked over many times by "helpful" policies these people dreamed up. These rules only apply to some people not all - they are always bent to the advantage of whoever is in charge at the moment. [1]I don't even like him but they still hate me because I was not enthusiastic about hillary. [2]You can't win an election with the support of just one electoral block - the only people I know who wouldn't shut up about how great he is are hispanic. _______________________________________________ Dng mailing list