On 09/17/2018 07:26 PM, goli...@dyne.org wrote:

Didn't Linus self-eject himself?

I read your response (which should never have had to be written) to Linus' post. Well done!!  It will be interesting to see how his absence affects the kernel. If it goes where I suspect it might, I wonder whether there will be another fork in Devuan's future.
Short translation of Linus's letter to the list:
 Gee, I've been being a bigger ass than I thought and driving away people I really want contributing.   I'm going to take a break and get some training in how not to be such an ass, BRB and try to be nicer to each other!

As a former kernel developer myself, this is probably overall a good thing.

The new Code of Conduct is also nothing particularly special, as even in the '90's there were many *heated* discussions where it wouldn't have been broken by any of the participants.

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