On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 22:42:26 +0100, Mark wrote in message 

> On 20/09/2018 22:23, Bruce Perens wrote:
> > Open Research Institute got our first space communication project
> > transferred over from AMSAT for two reasons: we had an ITAR/EAR
> > avoidance plan, and the engineering managers at AMSAT (a venerable
> > organization that has flown some 90 Amateur satellites since 1963)
> > were inexperienced in dealing with female engineers and were (IMO
> > unconsciously) egregiously rude on multiple occassions. The woman
> > engineer in question is no wilting lily, and in general refuses to
> > represent feminist or women's viewpoints because that isn't her
> > thing. It may not be a gender issue at all, many men left the
> > organization as well.  
> By all means, sometimes things go too far. But often not. One example,
> as you offer here, is an anecdote, not data.

..social datapoint observations that we can all learn from, are often
best passed on as anecdotes.

> > Those who are not on the spectrum may still underperform in human
> > relations, as we've just heard from Linus.  
> There's the thing, Linus did not seem to me to "underperform". As far
> as I can see, he performed correctly and in the best interests of
> producing high quality technical output. If his reactions were
> sometimes over the top,

...then Linus underperforms in his leadership role.  
He has apologised.  Learn, and move on.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.
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