On September 19, 2018 8:09:52 PM GMT+03:00, Steve Litt 
<sl...@troubleshooters.com> wrote:
>Long observation of
>people resenting CoCs  is they want the right to speak cruelly to
>individuals and speak cruelly about groups of people, those groups
>having nothing to do with the list's core foundation (Linux sans
>systemd, in our case). 
Sorry, Steve, that's intellectually dishonest. You're painting a 
black-and-white picture of "if people oppose CoCs then they must want to do 
things not allowed by the CoCs", however in all instances I have encountered 
where the need for a CoC was disputed I have seen the exact opposite. You do 
not need a CoC to protect people from bad words, and people who are 
contributing nothing but insults are quickly killfiled. CoCs do nothing but 
introduce filibustering in between contributors. The previous "Code of 
Conflict" was entirely adequate. The creator of the Contributor Covenant has 
written a "Post-Meritocracy Manifesto"[1] which describes meritocracies as 
"benefit[ing] those with privilege", aka social justice bullshit. The Linux 
kernel community /depends/ on a meritocracy, and this is absurd.
On an unrelated note, I likened the updating of the kernel CoC to the 
requirement of Pulse on Firefox: a change nobody wanted but which happened 

[1]: https://postmeritocracy.org/, only here for completeness. Save yourself a 
headache or two.
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