On Tue, 10 Jul 2018 05:17:07 +0200
arne <sp113...@telfort.nl> wrote:

> >   I think Devuan devs have more important things to do that looking
> > for a pin in a haystack.
> > 
> >   
>  Alessandro
> I totally agree.
> Hard to find that pin.

Errr, try opening your eyes.
Since the floppies came out, there have been incredible improvements in
the detection of "pins" whether pins be "backdoors" or "do sharks
swim in these waters", or which town pumps the most illegal drugs.

Now, if your really looking for  pins containing iron, magnets from old
hard disks shouldn't be too hard to procure.

> And once found how to get rid of it?

For most people, you post your concerns  to a/multiple, relevant
> Will authorities allow the removal?

There is nothing they can do to prevent it. What part oF OSS do you not
understand? Part of my archiving of "linux" includes collected multiple
copies of various source over various releases. So the cat is well and
truely out of the bag.
> Think not.
Oh, you're  stuck in the Microsoft/Google mind trap. since I got the
floppies, I've been avoiding those and similar.
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