
Fungal-net writes:

> Please don''t let the Grouch break up your valentine party but would
> anyone care to elaborate on the following scenario?
> We have Joe, Jill, Jack, and Mindy.
> Joe  is running Wheezy and converts to Ascii
> Jill is running Devuan 1 Jessie and converts to ascii
> Jack is running Stretch and converts to Ascii
> and finally Mindy just installs Ascii-beta-2.0
> Don't ask me, I have been running ascii for a quite a while now and my
> experience with Jessie has been from first boot to the second.  And I
> have run OpenRC and eudev ever since they appeared in experimental.
> All four of the above have same packages installed in the versions
> that they exist in those 4 situations.
> 1   Is the end product different?
> 2   Should the end product be different.

> 3   The packages that are available and keep upgrading in the debian
>     branch of merged, do they appear to all four of them as they do in
>     the debian repository?  In other words If you add debian stretch
>     to the repositories the versions "in merged ascii" and in stretch
>     should be the same. right?  Live at any given minute?  That is
>     what amprolla3 is doing, right?  Are they?
> Because as per a couple of hours ago it seems as I have been exposed
> to this amprolla3 for 4-5 months now, without knowing, and although I
> run about the same stuff on a test debian isntallations, pkgs there
> rain down to the level of about 20-30/day, while ascii has been pretty
> inactive in terms of upgrades.  So what exactly is merged with devuan?

IIUC, you say you are seeing 20-30 upgradable packages on a "test"
Debian installation.  If this is a Debian repositories only system, that
number is way too high for either of Debian's Jessie and Stretch.  There
have been quite a number of security upgrades, 2-3 a day in the last
week or so, but nothing near 20-30.  Could it be that your Debian "test"
system is set up to track Debian's *testing*, i.e. Buster as of writing,
as opposed to *stable* (Stretch) or *oldstable* (Jessie)?

# See https://www.debian.org/releases/

If that is the case, 20-30 upgradable packages a day seems reasonable
and the reason you're not seeing that in Devuan is because ASCII is
targetting Debian's Stretch, *not* Buster.  Buster will be for Devuan's
Beowulf and work on that is unlikely to begin before ASCII becomes the
"stable" Devuan release.

So if your Debian "test" system is tracking *testing* you're are, in
effect, comparing apples and oranges ;-)

Hope this helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen, LPIC-2            FSF Associate Member since 2004-01-27
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