On Thu, 23 Nov 2017 11:32:57 +0100, John wrote in message 

> Replying directly because Jaromil has said I am not welcome.

..no problem, I'll cc the list. ;o)

> On 23/11/17 11:06, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> > ..which leaves in place that "systemd"-filter we wanna avoid...  
> You're worrying that journalctl will filter out stuff before showing
> it to you?


> Why aren't you worrying that journald has filtered it out before
> writing it to the journal?

..but I do.

> Or that the kernel has filtered it out before sending it to journald?

..the kernel guys has this far proven more trustworthy, IME.

..but I agree there's a potential right there too, and I see you 
systemd guys may have found ways to defeat the kernel guys, or 
e.g. the Tor project.
If you systemd guys turn out to be the good guys, you become 
part of my back-up plan.  

..clearly, one of our sides (systemd vs Devuan/Tor/kernel/etc) 
are on the right side and the other side is on the wrong side.
And, sometimes the good guys have to pretend they are the bad 
guys, to catch bad guys. 
That's why we all need back-up plans. ;o)

> > ..those 2 ways forward are viable starting points that will help
> > the proper way to deal with suspect code, Samba style
> > re-engineering, which has brought us all e.g. wine,  
> Why the comparison with Samba and wine?  You have the source code for 
> systemd available.

..aye.  And then we have the good old Ken Thompson style compiler 
hacks and 33 years of water under the bridge to come up with even 
better hacks...

> >> Intimate knowledge?  No, all it requires knowing is that most of
> >> the fields in a systemd journal are ascii keyword=value pairs.  
> > ...which we must guess correctly where to find ...  
> Uh, they're in the journal file.  Where else would you expect them to
> be?

..hidden away everywhere.

> >> Tell you what, I'll see if I can write a little perl script to
> >> output a systemd journal in a format a little more pretty than
> >> strings(1) for you, give me a day, ok?  
> > ..thanks, I'll try it. :o)  
> I'm slightly less motivated to write it now I've been sent to the 
> naughty stool, but I'll try get around to it in a few days.

..thanks, I'll be patient. ;o)

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.
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