On 07/30/2016 03:55 PM, Rick Moen wrote:
Quoting Simon Walter (si...@gikaku.com):
Isn't that what's being discussed? When did I say the things you
said were opposition for the Devuan Project?
'disagree with a fork of Debian'.
I've made clear what I said, and what it meant and didn't mean.
You've attempted to distort that into an attack on the Devuan Project,
which is crazy talk and fanaticism -- as Jaromil was kind enough to
acknowledge specifically -- and I've said we have nothing more to
discuss on that matter.
_And_, the kicker, one of the things I was known for earliest in the
Linux community is an essay on forking explaining why forking is a
necessary and important right. Which you should be aware of because
it's been mentioned here.
You are wasting your time and mine.
First of all, if my words mean nothing to you, you should ignore them.
Don't answer a fool - me being the fool in this instance.
Secondly, I should not be aware because I don't read everything you
write here because it's too wordy for me. I've enjoyed some of your
writings in proper, but wasn't aware of that particular one. I look
forward to reading it.
Thirdly, I've already said, I don't disagree with what you said. I just
don't like how you come across sometimes and tried to explain how you
might make someone feel. My attempts at satire and explaining social
matters have backfired and left my foot in my mouth. Now you think I am
trying to distort what you say. I wouldn't dare and apologize if that is
how it was understood.
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