On 29-07-16 01:43, Rick Moen wrote:
Quoting info at smallinnovations.nl (i...@smallinnovations.nl):
I am a sysadmin myself and why in hell would i like to rebuild local
One of my worst and most annoying habits is to give reasoned and useful
answers to rhetorical questions.
Hardly, you act like a troll quite a long time now.
You might decide to rebuild a local package lacking a dependency on
libsystemd0 if you feel a need for it and what you want isn't available
in any even-easier fashion.
I simply want a distro without systemd.
But wanting it doesn't _get_ you that -- NOR does it get you a system
without libsystemd0, either. Thus my point.
There are more distros then Debian as you well know.
When i cannot get one i will start pinning or rebuild local packages
but not one moment earlier.
Great, so answer me a question: How are you getting a system without
libsystemd0 today?
Waiting for Devuan or using something else then Linux as i told in the
part of my message you did not quote.
To my knowledge, you would need to follow one of the suggestions
currently included on my OpenRC Conversion page's list of 'overcoming
dependency obstacles' tips, which are (a) equivs, (b) find a third-party
repo with a rebuilt (or differently built) package, (c) wait for Devuan
to produce one, (d) rebuild the package locally, or (e) construct a deb
package using the upstream source tarball using debhelper. (I also
mentioned on this mailing list the creative idea of overwriting the
problematic library with a nearly null-function one, to fool apps
claimed to merely see if a library can be opened without being
particular about what's in it.)
Is there an additional way of achieving that result today? Or are you
merely saying you really, really, really want one?
You 'cannot get one' today for a number of packages including (according
to one poster here) ClamAV. So, how are you achieving it _today_, sir?
If you can suggest an additional method, I'll be glad to amend my list
of suggestions. Otherwise, I'm not sure what your point is.
Your point is quite clear: you do not want a fork of debian and that is
the whole point of you being vocal on this list is it not? I suppose you
are quite good in Debian politics.
Adding you to my blacklist now.
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