Debian installer offers four major DEs as an option: GNOME, KDE, Xfce, LXDE.

For a decade, I've been using Fluxbox as window manager. I have no intend to change any window manager over Fluxbox unless there is significant benefit from it.

Debian users are scarce nowadays. Even in Debian community hanful of developers and users honor the FOSS idealogy. The rest seems to little care or to follow the decision without questioning.

How many users who move into Devuan expect full DE installation? I think providing one or two light DE as option will be fine. Also Devuan needs to select DEs that have minimal to no infection by the systemd monster.

Adam Borowski wrote:Show

   Is Debian really the upstream for xfce?  Does xfce drop these
or is id Debian? Or had Debina just not often around to updating >their packages for a new version? Is this maybe just temporary? Or >does it indicate we're going to have to maintain more of our own packages >than presently planned? Are there other window managers we could use >in the
   name of minimalism?

   -- hendrik

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