I usually only use tasksel when setting up for others, but my idea of a light 
setup is the desktop itself, ristretto image viewer, and iceweasel and the 
mixer panel plugin (if that's not broke altogether)

Adding things like libreoffice, the gimp, and a document viewer for pdf (but 
without pulse as it's more than just providing audio) would be my idea of a 
full desktop setup that would work for anyone

On Sunday, December 27, 2015 9:38 PM, Go Linux <goli...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> As a result of a discussion on #devuan, I've opened an issue for
 suggestions to make the xfce desktop lighter here:
> https://git.devuan.org/d-i/tasksel/issues/12
> Personally, I'd start with libreoffice.  Please suggest your favorite
 candidates for the hit list!
> golinux
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