On Mon, 28 Dec 2015 11:16:17 +0100
aitor_czr <aitor_...@gnuinos.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 12/28/2015 02:07 AM, Go Linux <goli...@yahoo.com>e.org wrote:
> > It's quite a long list.  If you see anything in there you can live
> > without, please post to the issue on git
> >
> > #apt-cache show task-xfce-desktop
> > #apt-cache show xfce4-goodies
> >
> > dev1fanboy has a minimal list posted here:
> >
> > https://git.devuan.org/dev1fanboy/Upgrade-Install-Devuan/wikis/desktop-light-list
> >
> > That might be a good place to start.  This wouldn't replace the
> > full xfce desktop.  It would just provide a lite alternative that
> > could be built up by the user.
> >
> > golinux  
> I propose a new package 'xfce4-default-settings' to customize the 
> default appearance of the desktop in devuan. I also propose alsa-oss, 
> xfce4-screenshooter, transmission, medit, ristretto, evince, putty, 
> xsane, searchmonkey, dmz-cursor-theme, clipman, netman (in jessie?), 
> parole, xfce4-taskmanager
> I will write in the wiki of gitlab.
>     Aitor.

Hi Aitor,

Your subject intrigues me. There are 2 reasons I prefer LXDE to Xfce:

1) LXDE is much lighter
2) LXDE is more reliable

If you can really lighten up Xfce, that addresses #1, and probably to
some extent alleviates #2. I believe lighter usually corresponds to
less bugs, or else I'd be using Redhat. Or Windows.

You mention alsa-oss and remind me of a goal in the back of my mind.
Once, with Manjaro-OpenRC, I managed to make a computer with no
PulseAudio (of course) and even no ALSA. It used OSS, and functioned
beautifully: mplayer, smplayer, youtube, it was all perfect. No dbus
need apply. I had to install an OSS compatible mixer, but that wasn't
hard. I've never been able to do that again, and think it would be a
cool option for those who want to keep entanglement to a minimum.


Steve Litt 
November 2015 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques
     of the Successful Technologist
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