Reading from Devuan intends in the long term to try to follow the UNIX philosophy of doing one thing and doing it well, so it's not just about systemd.

You have to avoid many other packages to avoid systemd and in some cases you will end up with systemd support that you don't want anyway.

On Saturday, December 19, 2015 9:38 AM, John Hughes <> wrote:
On 18/12/15 19:02, Steve Litt wrote:
Yeah, in an ideal world, we'd like to remove every rotting vestige of
systemd, but in a practical world, where if we don't timely produce
something people can actually use, this has all been for naught,
removal is a process, where on the first go-around we remove systemd as
PID1 and the process supervisor
Then I don't understand what the point of Devuan is -- you can "remove
systemd as
PID1 and the process supervisor" in Debian.

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