On Sun, 22 Feb 2015, Didier Kryn wrote:

>     I must confess I discovered ZeroMQ recently; it looks like the
>     thing the programmer always needed since the advent of networking.
>     I was blaming myself for not having used it in a
>     multi-host+multi-language project started 7 years ago, but, well,
>     it didn't exist yet :-).

let me warn you, having used zmq extensively for various jobs, that
unfortunately it does not deliver everything it says. At least for me it
was so until a couple years ago, for instance with its pub/sub protocol
and more. In my +15yr programmers experience it has never been a smooth
ride and I ended up saving time reimplementing my own procedures on top
of basic UDP and TCP functions - or reverting to older versions which
worked more reliably before adoption of zmq, this was the case with
syncstarter.org for instance.

its a pity because it looks very good and aims at good directions, I
hope it keeps improving.

so well, your mileage may vary, but my experience and that of a couple
good programmers we have at dyne.org has been always quite negative.
And even if it would work, I don't think zmq would be a good solution to
adopt as networking library for an ORB broker.


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