I don't want to drag the meta-conversation out but I do want to say that
when I had half-a-dozen frameworks on my shortlist (before choosing Django)
either of those two responses would have been useless. That's why I'm taking
this tact now. There are better ways of approaching a subjective question
than accusing the OP of asking for help with homework or telling them to
just use trial and error.

The first does no good at all and the second takes time.

I assume, as you're both here, you're Django users. You know what you like
about Django. I know there's a compound "vs Webpy" element but if you know
what webpy is about, and you know Django, you're plenty qualified to give
your opinion.

The OP is in a Django mailing list so they know to take anything with a
grain of salt.

Just consider that when you're replying to the next person who asks you to
compare an apple to an orange. I'll stop waffling now and go back to work.

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves

> On Tuesday 21 April 2009 16:43:09 Oli Warner wrote:
> > And I was going to say that the probable benefit of Django (over Webpy)
> was
> > you get larger, better community with better documentation and faster
> > support ... but that point is slightly tarnished by the current replies.
> I
> > guess the bigger a community gets, the more dicks there are.
> apparently one more than you think ;-) It makes sense to ask for
> comparisons
> between say zope/plone and django or rails and django. There are a lot of
> people who have moved this way and that and would have valuable comments.
> Webpy vs django is a non-issue. And anyway, the only people qualified to
> voice
> an opinion on the subject is a person who has used both.
> --
> regards
> kg
> http://lawgon.livejournal.com
> >

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