On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Phil Mocek
<pmocek-list-django-us...@mocek.org> wrote:
> That depends on how you look at things.  I've been referencing Eric S.
> Raymond's essay, "How to Ask Questions the Smart Way" [2], on this list
> recently, because I'm not used to such poorly-worded or lazy questions
> being asked on a technical mailing list.  Programmers don't typically
> operate like this, and it's odd to see subscribers to a technical list
> put up with so much wasted time and effort.  I assume it's a result of
> lots of participation from people who are new to programming and
> unfamiliar with netiquette and the ways of hackers.

That does indeed depend on how you look at things. Me, I see somebody
spamming ESR's diatribe and think "wow, that's a real dick move".
Because, honestly, if I'm new to something and feeling my way around,
getting smacked upside the head with ESR's "Why You're Too Dumb To Be
On This List" would be a real turn-off for me, ya know?

At any rate, if you can't bear to hang out on a list with people who
are working to learn and maybe don't yet know how to formulate
questions the way you'd like them to, there's an unsubscribe link in
the footer of every message. I trust you'll be able to use it to your

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