Hello NoviceSortOf,

On Jan 20, 8:42 am, NoviceSortOf <jons...@well.com> wrote:

> * django-registration is installed and works great

Yes, it is!  Thank you James Bennett!

> * i'd suspect that somewhere in models.py there would be a hook for
> this,
>   there is reference to something called profile_callback that seems
> like it
>   might be clue to this but I can't figure it out from the docs and
> code
>   I've read so far.

You can use profile_callback like...

from accounts.models import UserProfile

url ( r'^accounts/register/$',
    { 'profile_callback': UserProfile.objects.create },
    name = 'registration_register' ),
( r'^accounts/', include ( 'registration.urls' ) ),

...in urls.py.  I'll mention here that the current development version
of registration is dropping profile_callback in favor of using
signals.  You may want to code in such a way that you can easily
change to using the signals if you update registration in the future.

An alternative would be to not use the profile_callback and use
Django's built-in signals.  Something like...

from django.db import models

class UserProfile etc, etc, etc...

def add_user_profile ( sender, instance, created, **kwargs ):

    if created:

        user_profile = UserProfile ( user = instance )

        user_profile.save ( )

models.signals.post_save.connect ( add_user_profile, sender = User )

...in account/models.py.

The above code fragments will need to be altered and filled out to
suite your needs.  Hopefully they give you some ideas.

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