On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 2:10 PM, NoviceSortOf <jons...@well.com> wrote:

> > It isn't at all clear to me from what you have posted what difficulty you
> > are having in using your own auth profile module.  I do not understand
> why
> > the presence of the django-registration table would be causing any
> trouble.
> > At any rate, since you are already using django-registration, you may
> want
> > to consider also using django-profiles, there is a link to that project
> on
> > the page I linked to above.
> I've loaded django-profiles and can't manage to get it to work after
> many hours
> of attempts, and after much thought of the small scale of our user/
> profile database
> and the limited scope of our website would prefer to simply the
> process by
> bringing more control of the profiles into our own coding.
> So my idea at this point was if the AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE
> declares a constant object that has built in functions for it, then I
> just wanted
> to build my own profile, views and model and take it from there. I'm
> not building a
> large site by any stretch of the imagination, in fact most of the
> activation,
> profile maintenance and so on we do manually, including account
> activation
> and can do direct on the data via phpAdmin, via data importation
> or some other interface.
> With registration working, all we need from Django is a simple hook to
> initiate
> the AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE via the related field/row of user during
> registration,
> so we can then build our own models, forms and views for our user
> profiles.

I'm feeling a bit dense here.  What is it, exactly, that isn't working?
What have you done, what did you expect, and what happens instead?
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE isn't fundamentally broken, so some specifics on what
isn't working for you would help someone to help you fix whatever it is that
isn't working.  But from all you've written I still have no idea what that


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