On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 10:17 AM, NoviceSortOf <jons...@well.com> wrote:

> OK. Please correct me if I'm wrong
> The  "registration_registrationprofile"  is simply a reference table
> created during
> the process of creating an inactive account.

This table is not coming from base Django.  Based on the name (tables are
generally named appname_modelname), you appear to be using


Looking at the source for that, yes, it looks like this table is used simply
to store activation keys during the registration process.

> * If that is the case then how do I simply create a related record to
> users in
>  "myproject.myprofiles"  as set in settings.py as
> * I want to create my own profiles routine based on the data I've
> already defined in
>   "myproject.myprofiles"  what is the simplest way to do that?

It isn't at all clear to me from what you have posted what difficulty you
are having in using your own auth profile module.  I do not understand why
the presence of the django-registration table would be causing any trouble.
At any rate, since you are already using django-registration, you may want
to consider also using django-profiles, there is a link to that project on
the page I linked to above.


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