
On 11/18/2014 09:53 AM, jogaserbia wrote:
>     I just realized something.  
> This are all the files in django.contrib.gis.geos:
> Notice there is no GEOSException, nor is there GEOSGeometry.   There is
> however geometry.py (which as the class GEOSGeometry in it) and error.py
> (which has the class GEOSException in it). 
> I am not sure what to do with this information as I am new to
> Python/Django.
Sorry, this error message is obscure. I have filed a ticket to improve
it: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/23873

The cause of the error message is that you do not have an installation
of GEOS that is on your `sys.path` and importable. (That is, something
or the following step didn't work correctly.)

If you look in django/contrib/gis/geos/__init__.py, you'll see that
GEOSException is only imported there if HAS_GEOS is True. That is why
importing GEOSException from django.contrib.gis.geos will succeed if you
have GEOS installed, but fails otherwise.


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