> I just realized something.  
This are all the files in django.contrib.gis.geos:
Notice there is no GEOSException, nor is there GEOSGeometry.   There is 
however geometry.py (which as the class GEOSGeometry in it) and error.py 
(which has the class GEOSException in it).  
I am not sure what to do with this information as I am new to 
 Directory of C:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\django\contrib\gis\geos
11/06/2014  02:02 PM    <DIR>          .
11/06/2014  02:02 PM    <DIR>          ..
11/06/2014  02:02 PM             1,660 base.py
11/06/2014  02:02 PM             4,482 collections.py
11/06/2014  02:02 PM             5,495 coordseq.py
11/06/2014  02:02 PM               813 error.py
11/06/2014  02:02 PM             1,033 factory.py
11/06/2014  02:02 PM            25,297 geometry.py
11/06/2014  02:02 PM               810 io.py
11/06/2014  02:02 PM             5,287 libgeos.py
11/06/2014  02:02 PM             1,530 LICENSE
11/06/2014  02:02 PM             5,813 linestring.py
11/06/2014  02:02 PM            10,974 mutable_list.py
11/06/2014  02:02 PM             4,400 point.py
11/06/2014  02:02 PM             6,827 polygon.py
11/06/2014  02:02 PM             2,428 prepared.py
11/06/2014  02:02 PM    <DIR>          prototypes
11/06/2014  02:02 PM    <DIR>          tests
11/06/2014  02:02 PM             1,154 __init__.py
11/06/2014  02:02 PM    <DIR>          __pycache__ 

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