On Wed, 2014-09-24 at 14:30 -0700, John Schmitt wrote:

> I appreciate what you said about deploying and not editing "live" files 
> directly.

Hope the information is of use to you.

> However, I have several projects in various stages of development and when I 
> first start a project, I don't have anything to deploy, I edit everything 
> "live".  When it's in production and users are counting on it being up, then 
> I would rather not touch the running machine.

I do the exact opposite.  When I first start out, all I have is my
development environment.  Once I have "enough" of a project for others
to use, then I start deploying.

> When I'm creating a dummy project to test my apache configuration and/or my 
> management commands, or trying to assemble a complicated query, I do it 
> "live" on the VM on which I created the playground project.  

Currently, I don't need to run apache locally (I used to), but if I did,
I would still test it in a development environment.  Once everything is
good, replicate (deploy) onto the target server.  I like to have my
development and production match if possible.  If not, then a
staging/testing area should be the same so I can deploy from development
to staging, test like heck, then deploy to production.

> Another use-case I have is that my workstation is sometimes far removed from 
> my development machine.  My workstation is either a Linux machine or 
> sometimes a laptop via VPN over wireless.  Tmux and vim/emacs are glorious 
> workhorses for this scenario and I have a hard time envisioning that same 
> level of convenience from an IDE.  I guess I was hoping that someone had 
> found something magical that was at least this convenient.

My development machine is in my home in New York, the staging and
production servers are in California, I think (not absolutely sure).
Doesn't matter the distance.  Since development is all local, don't have
to worry about anything else until I'm ready to deploy.

> In case it isn't obvious, I'm a django nub and probably do not know about 
> many best practices.

While there are certainly lots of Django best practices, I think the use
of a development environment and deployment would work equally well for
any type of project, not just Django.  In fact, anything I've ever
worked on C, C++, Python/Django, Perl/CGI, etc., would all start in a
local development environment first.  

If you don't find good answers to your question, maybe you should wonder
why.  Perhaps most people do things a different way and so your question
really doesn't have a good answer.  Just a thought.

Adam (a...@csh.rit.edu)

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