On Wed, 2014-09-24 at 12:03 -0700, John Schmitt wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 07:40:51AM -0400, Adam Stein wrote:
> > Not sure what you are looking for in terms of Django template support.
> > The only difference between pycharm community (free) and commercial in
> > terms of Django support that I've noticed is that Django's development
> > web server won't restart automatically when code changes in the
> > community edition.  Haven't used community edition since last year, but
> > I seem to recall, I was still able to have a task to start Django's dev
> > web server (in debug mode so I can trace through my code as you'd
> > expect), so as long as I restarted that after making changes, things
> > were fine.
> I've been hearing about pycharm lately, sounds great.  I'm a command line guy 
> so I normally ssh to my server where I fire up my editor and hack away.
> What do you do with a GUI IDE like pycharm?  That is, how does your 
> edit/run/debug cycle work with a pycharm et al?  Can you still edit the 
> 'live' files for your django project?
> My imagination says that I would sshfs mount the server's file system and 
> then pretend that the files I'm editing are local.  Do I still need to ssh to 
> the server and manually restart httpd or launch manage.py as needed?
> John

Is your server your production machine?  By that, I mean, do you install
your files somewhere else once you are done making changes to another
server where it's "officially" used?  I ask because you really don't
want to be editing live files where "live" means what your customers (or
yourself) are really using.

I develop locally, then deploy to a remove server only when changes are
done and tested.  Therefore, my edit/run/debug cycle with PyCharm
consists of running Django's web server (./manage.py runserver) on my
local machine through PyCharm's debugger so that I can step through the
code.  I also have PyCharm set up to run various unit tests (also useful
if I need to step through unit test code).  I don't restart httpd,
because that is running on the remove server and only needs restarting
when my code is deployed.  In the case of restarting Django's web
server, PyCharm's professional version ($$$) has the ability to restart
it for you if you have it running within PyCharm.  For the community
version, you have to restart it yourself which is as simple as clicking
a "restart" button.

If your files live somewhere else, you can mount the file system as
you've mentioned.  Performance might be better if the files were local,
but that's true anytime you go across a mounted file system.

Hopefully that answers your questions.

Adam (a...@csh.rit.edu)

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