Not sure what you are looking for in terms of Django template support.
The only difference between pycharm community (free) and commercial in
terms of Django support that I've noticed is that Django's development
web server won't restart automatically when code changes in the
community edition.  Haven't used community edition since last year, but
I seem to recall, I was still able to have a task to start Django's dev
web server (in debug mode so I can trace through my code as you'd
expect), so as long as I restarted that after making changes, things
were fine.

On Wed, 2014-09-24 at 11:36 +0200, anton wrote:

> Hi,
> actually I use Aptana Studio 3.4.1 (
> to develop Django apps (on Windows and Linux).
> What I (personally) need from an ide:
>  1. ability to debug (python code)
>  2. support for django templates
>  3. support for django (start a new project, adding a django app)
>  4. support for refactoring (like rename and so on)
>  5. support for mercurial
>  6. multi plattform (at least windows/linux)
> Starting with *django 1.7*, aptana marks some line
> as errors which are not errors (undefined variables from import ..)
> Now I have the following problem:
>  - I tried the actual aptana 3.6.0, but it is buggy and does not work
>    (no idea if and when it will be fixed, the development
>    speed is actually slow)
>  - if I use eclipse + actual pydev 3.7.1 I have
>    no support for *django templates*
>  - all other ides like PyCharm are commercial (the free pycharm does
>    not support django and django templates, only python)
> Now the question: does somebody know a solution?
> Thanks
>  Anton

Adam (

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