12.4.2012 11:51, David kirjoitti:
Hi Jani
That was very helpful. Is there a way to include select_related into
that query? or do I have to list every single field I would like to
return using values()?
last_deleted = ModificationLog.objects.values('thing__id', ' thing
__prefix', ' thing __first_name', ' thing__last_name', '
thing__company_name', 'thing__creator', ' thing __created_on',
This for example works, but I don't have access to User. Thing contains
a FK to the User model, but I'm unable to do in the template {{
object_list.creator.get_full_name }}
But I am a lot lot closer than I was before, thank you.
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I suppose that you have to add all fields. I suggest that you install
django-command-extensions and IPython. Run ./manage.py shell_plus and
start experimenting.
Jani Tiainen
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