Again - that subject has already been heavily discussed and is already a
work in progress :X
Automating the install for the end user is not a simple task - unless you
want to go down the VM Appliance route.

See the following threads:

Time would be better spent focusing on contributing to efforts already spent
in this area.

Hope this helps.


On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Donald Stufft <>wrote:

> Cal,
> He's not looking to automate the install for the Developer of a Django
> Project, but for the End Users of a Django Project.
> So if I, or another developer wrote a WordPress clone using Django and then
> allow a third party to come and download my Wordpress clone and easily
> install it.
> On Thursday, September 8, 2011 at 7:52 AM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media
> Ltd] wrote:
> The subject of self contained deployments has already been *heavily*
> discussed in other threads. Self contained / single binary deployments is
> something that Roberto @ UNBIT is currently working on (and myself), and if
> you do a search on the mailing list, you'll see tons of ideas on this
> already. And believe me, it's not as simple as it may seem. (consider cross
> OS libs, file system loaders etc).
> Secondly, the OP said the following things are wrong:
> - Doesn't cater to people who don't know Python
> This is absolutely absurd, Django is a *python web framework*.
> - Requires the installer to be a developer (pretty much)
> Again, the developer would be the one 'creating' the project. If they
> didn't understand the concepts behind how to make django talk to a webapp
> server, then they need to learn. Simple.
> Without being too rude, if you are looking to automate the install of a
> framework, then you need to understand what the framework does. I am
> completely against your proposed concept, because you are attempting to take
> away the *need to understand* how things work.
> Cal
> On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 12:37 PM, Donald Stufft <>wrote:
> This is a hard question. It would probably be nice to offer a self
> contained deployment that nginx/apache could just proxy too, maybe pick that
> as the default, and then add in writing a fcgi or wsgi file for use with
> regular hosting.
> On Thursday, September 8, 2011 at 7:34 AM, graeme wrote:
> He wants to be able to emulate the installation of a typical PHP CMS.
> This is often 1) get database username and poassword, 2) copyfiles to
> server, 3) navigate to an install URL, 4) fill in db username and
> password and other config on a set of forms on web page.
> Installing Django and the app you want to use is much more complex and
> forbidding requiring use of the command line and editing
> One question is what server configurations this will support.
> mod_wsgi? fastcgi? others? Will this type of user be able to pick the
> right choice?
> On Sep 8, 12:45 am, Calvin Spealman <> wrote:
> Can you explain to those of us to whom it is not obvious, what is the
> point of this proposal? I don't understand what problem it would
> solve.
> On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Alec Taylor <>
> wrote:
> Good morning,
> I have just recently starting migrating over from WordPress and Drupal to
> the world of DJango.
> First of all, let me say that yes, I am aware that DJango is not a CMS!!!
> Now, onto my suggestions on how to streamline DJango deployment.
> ____
> = What's wrong with the current method? =
> • Doesn't cater to people who don't know Python
> • Requires the installer to be a developer (pretty much)
> ____
> I'm building a social-network catering to student-groups, users-groups and
> game-clans. I will be releasing this under (probably) the New BSD license.
> Because I want as many people as possible to be able to use this project, I
> want to make it very easy for non-developers to setup this social-network
> on
> there servers.
> ____
> = What are you suggesting? =
> A four-step install process.
> • Install pre-packaged Python+DJango-script package
> •
> •
> •
> •
> ____
> What are your thoughts on the DJango deployment redesign?
> Would anyone be interested in getting involved (making this happen!)?
> Best regards,
> Alec Taylor
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