On Fri, Jul 08, 2011 at 02:43:11PM +0100, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] 
> Sorry, I should have given a bit more detail.
> Using ulimit is going to be an issue as it relies on the host allowing
> users to modify their ulimit (some aren't allowed). It also then
> applies that rule to any other processes within that user, which is
> bad as different processes may need different limits.

My bash(1) man page says the following:
"Provides control over the resources available to the shell and to
processes started by it, on systems that allow such control."

Also, setrlimit(3) states this:
"A child process created via fork(2) inherits its parent's resource
limits.  Resource limits are preserved across execve(2)."

Which means, if you set a ulimit in a process, only the process itself
and its children are affected. At least that's how I understand it.

My understanding is backed by the fact that online judges used in ACM
ICPC-like contest use setrlimit in their sandboxes to limit the memory
for submitted solutions. (-;

> I have seen other examples in the past of binaries being wrapped,
> which then applied a memory limit, but I can't for the life of me
> remember what it was called. :(

Just running it as
bash -c 'ulimit -S <set your limits here>; command' should be enough.
Or if you want, you can create your own wrapper in C which calls
setrlimit and then execs the binary.


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