On Jul 5, 2:00 am, Andre Terra <andrete...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For what it's worth, it will do you good to name everything in
> English, even if it's not your native language. Python's keywords are
> in English (if, while, for, class, return, break...) and sticking to
> one language makes the code easier to maintain (you might have a
> developer on your team who doesn't speak German) and readable for
> those of us who can only speak a language or two.

I couldn't disagree more strongly.  The fact that Python's keywords
are in English has NOTHING to do with the choice of variable names;
you might as well argue that because APL is in love with Greek
letters, all APL programs should be written in Greek.

The argument about a non-German-speaking developer is just plain
silly; the application is being developed by a German-speaking company
in a German-speaking country.  If they hire a non-German-speaking
developer, that person will necessarily learn German very fast.

(Reductio ad absurdum: since every major programming language uses
English keywords, you are fundamentally claiming that it is a mistake
to ever write code in your native language.  You are also claiming
that if a language with Japanese keywords ever gains prominence--and
it's worth noting that Ruby was invented by a Japanese speaker--all
developers must then learn Japanese before writing in that language.)

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