Hi all,

I need to write a system where articles can be published and I am
thining about using Django, and I am impressed!
I have studied the tutorial but still have a few questions before I can
decide if Django is the way to go for me.

1. The articles are grouped in topics and up to an infinite number of
subtopics, for example:


If this is my model (from the turotial):
class Article(models.Model):
    pub_date = models.DateTimeField()
    headline = models.CharField(maxlength=200)
    article = models.TextField()
    reporter = models.ForeignKey(Reporter)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.headline

How, then, should I define the category / subcategory properties?

In my web interface I will need to show all articles grouped by
category, for example:

-- some article
* subtopic1
  -- another article

-- yet another article

2. Each article come in two languages. Which would be the best way to
achieve that?
a. /articles/topic/subtopic/article/en
b. /articles/en/topic/subtopic/article
c. /articles/topic/subtopic/article?en

3. An article needs some basic layout, for example headlines and
images. The images for an article may vary from article to article. How
could I extend my model to achieve this?

Is all this possible to do with Django, and, if so, how?
Any pointers in the right direction or code samples are much


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