> * I was stumped by the fact that I had to setup another web server to serve
>static files. It'd be nice if it was possible to serve static files with the
>development server. I'd consider sending in a patch if someone could throw
>suggestions my way on what approach would work best (or maybe it actually
>_is_ supported, I just didn't find out how!).

There is a django.views.static module that has a "serve" view function
that can be used for serving static files from a directory. So no need
to send in a patch ;-)

(I think this static view should be listed more prominently in the
documentation and tutorial, even though it's not meant to be used for
production use - the how-to-serve-static-files question is quite common
with newbies, and all of them want to write their own ;-) )

bye, Georg

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