hi David.

do you have a SVN url?
I'd love to replace moinmoin with a django wiki (i don't need much
from a wiki, so even a 20 minute one might be ok ;-)

On 11/18/05, David Ascher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After watching the TurboGears 20 minute wiki screencast today, I figured I'd
> try to build the equivalent code in Django to see what it's like.
> It took me more than 20 minutes, but since this is my first non-tutorial
> Django app, I'm ok with that.
> If anyone is interested, I've put it up at:
> http://da.textdriven.com:8027/sydney/browser/trunk/wiki/
> Specifically, I'd love feedback on the views (
> http://da.textdriven.com:8027/sydney/file/trunk/wiki/apps/pages/views.py)
> and the template (
> http://da.textdriven.com:8027/sydney/file/trunk/wiki/templates/pages/page.html).
>  Everything else seems relatively straightforward, although I may be doing
> Bad Things with the urls too (
> http://da.textdriven.com:8027/sydney/file/trunk/wiki/urls.py).
> Note that unlike the TurboGears's use of MochiKit to convert JSON to DOM, I
> used the trivial ahah.js code from the microformats folks (
> http://www.microformats.org/wiki/rest/ahah) to do the Ajax
> operation.  Only one line of JS even though there is a maybe a bit more
> stuff going over the wire.
> About 70 lines of Python, 23 lines of HTML.
> What I liked about the process:
>   * the runserver make interactive work really easy.
>   * the tracebacks are very helpful
> Stumbling blocks:
>   * figuring out that I had to do "import
> django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup" to get the
> markup filters registered was harder than it should have been.
>    * understanding that the redirects involved in adding trailing /'s threw
> away POST data took me a while to figure out
>   * I was stumped by the fact that I had to setup another web server to
> serve static files.  It'd be nice if it was possible to serve static files
> with the development server.  I'd consider sending in a patch if someone
> could throw suggestions my way on what approach would work best  (or maybe
> it actually _is_ supported, I just didn't find out how!).
> Overall, quite an enjoyable experience!
> --david

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- ++61-3-9877-0909
If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough. -
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