On Nov 18, 2005, at 3:12 AM, David Ascher wrote:
After watching the TurboGears 20 minute wiki screencast today, I figured I'd
try to build the equivalent code in Django to see what it's like.

Very cool -- I'm glad you had fun!

Stumbling blocks:
* figuring out that I had to do "import
django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup" to get the markup filters
registered was harder than it should have been.

Actually, that's what the {% load %} tag is for. Assuming you've got "django.contrib.markup" in your INSTALLED_APPS, a "{% load markup %}" will load that template tag library for your use. This is documented (http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/templates/#custom-tag-and- filter-libraries), but perhaps not as well as it might be.

* understanding that the redirects involved in adding trailing /'s threw
away POST data took me a while to figure out

This isn't Django, FYI; there's no way to issue a redirect and include POST data. I'll agree that this is a stumbler, but think of it as doing are part to ensure people use clean URLs :)

* I was stumped by the fact that I had to setup another web server to serve static files. It'd be nice if it was possible to serve static files with the development server. I'd consider sending in a patch if someone could throw suggestions my way on what approach would work best (or maybe it actually
_is_ supported, I just didn't find out how!).

As others have pointed out, the view "django.views.static.serve" will do this. The reason we don't advertise this view too much is that it's *very* unsuited for production use and we don't want people relying on it. Still, we should document it somewhere along with a big yummy warning.


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