On 29.4.2013 18:00, Dimitris Glezos wrote: > On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 5:06 AM, Vladimir Macek <ma...@sandbox.cz> wrote: >> BTW, the new Transifex online editor, while certainly designed with high >> expectations, has terrible UX for me. I hope they will keep the old editor >> around until they make the new one more usable. > Vladimir, can you please use the Feedback button in the editor or send > us an email at supp...@transifex.com explaining in detail what is not > working great for you? I'd like to understand it better so we can > improve. > > Thanks, > > -d > > -- > Dimitri Glezos > Founder & CEO, Transifex > > Social Localization Crowdsourcing > https://www.transifex.com/
Hello Dimitri, thanks for listening! First of all, my RESPECT for Transifex and its open nature. Seems to be a successful project! Nice to realize it's build on Django. The design is really sleek. Imagining the big amount of work invested. I guess my user scenario is the most common one and I personally find some obstructions however. Sometimes I even wonder whether there were a black box human testers employed. My scenario: Ordinary translator to some language participates in the i18n team of some project (e.g. Django with many resources). Once in a month he/she wants to: 1) Come, 2) Login, 3) Translate all strings that need love, 4) Get out to do some paid work. In point 3) above, I expect any localization software to guide me to all untranslated/fuzzy strings I am allowed to translate *in sequence* -- with the least possible number of clicks, distractions and delays. E.g., poedit sorts such strings on top. I am the Czech Django coordinator, but from the user experience that is marginal as most of my work is translation. After login, I end up on https://www.transifex.com/home/manager/ First, I *always* want to get to https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/cs/ page as quick as possible. Once I bookmark the page there is no problem, but before that I need to *discover* the green top-right Manager/Translator switch on the manager page and *expand* the Django item to get Czech (in the left Projects). As a translator of a single language in a single project, I find the fact the Manager dashboard is the default one as an obstruction. BTW it confuses me that Your Translation Activity graph is flat zero, but I translated some strings few days ago as Recent events below prove. Now I have to *scroll down* to resources that are not 100% translated (or *click* to reverse the ordering), *pick* one, *click* Translate now, *wait 9 seconds*. Huh. Where are the strings to translate? After two minutes I found out I need to *filter* first, so I click "Untranslated (3)". The editing itself is more or less fine, the suggesting feature is helpful. Previously, I was unable to use Ctrl-Shift-arrows to select words and cut'n'paste by keyboard, my frequent keystrokes. Today it works. I dislike that to see the string details I have to *click* More Details. I'd like the More Details expand/collapse state to be remembered more permanently -- in Django, comments are very helpful. Django employs plural forms. I do a lot copy'n'paste competing them. I'd welcome if plural forms are 1) all visible all the time, 2) jumped-between by Tab so I don't need to use mouse. Tab on last one would resort to your usual Tab. But no need to overload Tab. Generally, I'd like to minimize the need of mouse while translating. So I find the Keyboard shortcuts help just GREAT. Just IMO the support is 3/4-way perfect. :) Idea: I'd welcome a feature highlighting whitespace before and after the msgstr in case there's no similar space in msgid. The editor is a complex UI. I miss bubble helps while hovering on some less intuitive widgets. Clicking is risky then. Also an introduction video showing the best way to conduct the most frequent scenario and shining the bells and whistles could help. When I complete translating a resource, I find no easy way switching to other resource that is not 100%. I jump out the editor and back which is slow. The editor supports switching resource, but does not help in selecting which one. Again, Django has many. I have two solutions: Either the untranslated/fuzzy counts should be added to the left resource list or the resources should be sorted/sortable by completion percentage. Thanks again for the opportunity to express myself. Wrote this in hope to be helpful. Vláďa -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django internationalization and localization" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to django-i18n+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To post to this group, send email to django-i18n@googlegroups.com. Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/django-i18n?hl=en. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.