
Transifex offers me _three_times_ the _same_ pluralized string to translate:

    one: 1 comment was successfully %(action)s.
    other: %(count)s comments were successfully %(action)s.

Details show locations:

This string with "%(action)s" often has to have very unsmooth translation
to non-english.

At these locations there are much nicer, but different strings:

  def flag_comments(self, request, queryset):
      self._bulk_flag(request, queryset, perform_flag,
                      ungettext_lazy('%d comment was successfully flagged',  
                                     '%d comments were successfully flagged'))
  flag_comments.short_description = _("Flag selected comments")

  def approve_comments(self, request, queryset):
      self._bulk_flag(request, queryset, perform_approve,
                      ungettext_lazy('%d comment was successfully approved',  
                                     '%d comments were successfully approved'))
  approve_comments.short_description = _("Approve selected comments")

  def remove_comments(self, request, queryset):
      self._bulk_flag(request, queryset, perform_delete,
                      ungettext_lazy('%d comment was successfully removed',  
                                     '%d comments were successfully removed'))
  remove_comments.short_description = _("Remove selected comments")

I wonder where this "%(action)s" stuff came from. It makes no sense on

BTW, the new Transifex online editor, while certainly designed with high
expectations, has terrible UX for me. I hope they will keep the old editor
around until they make the new one more usable.

:  Vladimir Macek  :  http://macek.sandbox.cz  :  +420 608 978 164
:  UNIX && Dev || Training  :  Python, Django  :  GPG key 1F059424

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