Do we have DPDK integrated OVS branch in Git?

Thanks & Regards
Vivek Gupta

-----Original Message-----
From: Traynor, Kevin [] 
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2016 3:46 PM
To: Justin Pettit; Vivek Gupta
Subject: RE: [ovs-discuss] Compatibility of OVS 2.4 with DPDK 2.2

> -----Original Message-----
> From: discuss [] On Behalf Of 
> Justin Pettit
> Sent: Friday, March 4, 2016 7:10 AM
> To: Vivek Gupta <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [ovs-discuss] Compatibility of OVS 2.4 with DPDK 2.2
> > On Mar 3, 2016, at 11:38 AM, Vivek Gupta <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > Thanks for your reply.
> > Since OVS 2.5 was release just recently thus as per my assumption 
> > that
> there may be unseen problems will arise with using DPDK 2.2.
> >
> > Thus can we go ahead with OVS 2.4 with DPDK 2.1?
> I suppose so, but there are a lot of improvements--particularly for 
> OVS+DPDK- -in OVS 2.5.  Also, 2.5 is an LTS (long-term service) 
> release, which 2.4 is not.

I agree with Justin and would recommend using OVS2.5 with DPDK 2.2, there's bug 
fixes and new features.

OVS 2.4 supports DPDK 2.0. The DPDK library name changed between DPDK 2.0 and 
DPDK 2.1, so you would need to modify OVS 2.4 as per the below patch to make it 
work with DPDK 2.1 or DPDK 2.2. There's also another patch needed if you're 
using IVSHMEM and DPDK 2.2.

> --Justin
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