It looks to me like you have overlapping flows, which has undefined behavior (either rule could match). Try setting the more specific rule at a higher priority.
--Justin On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 5:02 AM, Arpit Kumar <> wrote: > Hi all, > I have machines set up (say m1 and m2) and an external openflow controller > (say C). > I have an ovs-switch on m1 which has some flow rules and the machine m2 is > sending tcp packets to m1 via the ovs switch. > > When the flow rules are > ip, nw_src=<ip of m2>, actions=NORMAL,CONTROLLER > actions=NORMAL > the tcp packets sent by the m2 and perhaps every ip packet sent by m2 to > m1 is sent to the controller. > dump-flows also confirms this as the packets of the first rule is not zero. > > But to filter only tcp packets when i set the flow rules as > tcp, nw_src=<ip of m2>, actions=NORMAL,CONTROLLER > actions=NORMAL > no tcp packets are detected by the ovs-switch and sent to controller. > dump-flow shows that no packets are following the tcp rule. > > I am unable to understand why this is occurring and am stuck at this point > from quite some time. > > Please help me in this regard and tell the reason why ip packets are > detected properly but not the tcp packets. > > > Regards, > Arpit Kumar > > _______________________________________________ > discuss mailing list > > > >
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