On 12-02-29 02:46 AM, Charles-H.Schulz wrote:
> Le mardi 28 février 2012 à 16:32 -0500, Marc Paré a écrit :
>> Hi Olivier
>> Le 2012-02-28 14:49, Olivier Hallot a écrit :
>>> Good question indeed, I use to receive demand directly in this mail address.
>>> May be we should turn this page to get more visibility:
>>> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development#Lists_of_enhancements_and_missing_features
>>> Regards
>>> - --
>>> Olivier Hallot
>> Is this page really used by the devs? I have never seen this page. Would 
>> it not make more sense to put a feature request as a bug for the devs 
>> and this way there would be a followup on the bugzilla?[1]

NO! I know for a fact devs would hate seeing a million feature requests
in the bug reports, and bugzilla is really English-only. This would
further exclude contribution in other languages.

We could have a staging zone for such requests, and have people vote on
such. Sound familiar ? Read on...

> [...]
> +1. Another way that may still happen on the wiki is to draft a full
> specification. Basically if we write something like "you should
> improve the background look behind the page on Writer", it does not
> mean anything. You need to explain that this component inside Writer
> ought to be changed in this or that way and provide an actual and
> practical suggestion. Otherwise devs will think they don't have enough
> guidance or details to code the said feature. But I concur with Marc,
> Bugzilla is your friend :-) Best, Charles.

We could just as well just agree on a tag "Feature Request" and also
"Possible Bug" so we can easily identify such content in AskBot.

AskBot already has voting and karma, so every month or every once in a
while the feature requests or bugs that have the most votes would then
get discussion/implementation/blueprint time.

Just a thought.


Fabián Rodríguez

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