Hi Olivier

Le 2012-02-28 14:49, Olivier Hallot a écrit :
Good question indeed, I use to receive demand directly in this mail address.

May be we should turn this page to get more visibility:


- --
Olivier Hallot

Is this page really used by the devs? I have never seen this page. Would it not make more sense to put a feature request as a bug for the devs and this way there would be a followup on the bugzilla?[1]

IMO, it just seems like such a big job to keep the wiki up to date, and, if you make it more visible, you can expect a lot more people voting which would need more work to tally the on-going change of vote count.

If people are so passionate about feature requests, then they could create and account and join in on the conversation on bugzilla and perhaps help out?

It just seems that this just adds another layer of complexity that is really not needed. The bugzilla is easier to work with and is more direct. Unless I am wrong, many projects use their bugzilla to submit feature requests and they are "triaged" by someone at some point.


[1] http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/BugReport#How_to_use_the_Bug_Submission_Assistant

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