I think this is not the case here, but for those that will come to this
thread in the future:

The very most common way people ended up with an
apt-get/yum/dnf-installed version of UHD that they didn't want to have
is that they installed their linux distro's gnuradio package – these
depend on the distro's UHD package in exactly the version that was used
at the time when the package maintainer built the gnuradio package. You
cannot use a distro's GNU Radio with your own UHD. You must always link
(that means build) a GNU Radio based on the UHD library version you're
using :)

Best regards,

On 08/05/2016 03:42 PM, Jason Matusiak wrote:
> Stefan, your last note was the key.  I did a sudo apt-get untinstall
> on uhd and things were kosher again.  I don't recall ever installing
> uhd via apt-get, but that seems to have been the issue anyway. Thanks!
> On 08/04/2016 03:35 PM, Jason wrote:
>> Thanks Stefan.  I ran that and changed the libuhd*.so* to
>> libuhd_bu*.so* in both /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ and /usr/local/lib/
>> and yet it still fails at the same point.
>> The only other locations (which aren't in my $PATH or $LD_LIBRARY)
>> are
>> /usr/local/oecore-x86_64_older/sysroots/armv7ahf-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/......
>> and
>> /home/jmat/pybombs/.....  (which is the prefix install point, so the
>> tools are putting them there I think).
>> Anything else I might be missing?  Also, what command can I run once
>> I make a change to continue the build without blowing away the
>> /home/jmatusiak/pybombs/ directory?  If I run pybombs prefix init
>> ~/pybombs -a myprefix -R gnuradio-default again I get:
>> PyBOMBS - INFO - PyBOMBS Version 2.1.1a
>> PyBOMBS.prefix - ERROR - Ignoring. A prefix already exists in
>> `/home/jmatusiak/pybombs'
>>> This helps a lot to find all installations:
>>> $ sudo find / -name libuhd*.so*
>>> If the path is not inside a pybombs prefix, it is most likely an
>>> installation by your package manager.
>>> I had this problem as well :P
>>> Greetings
>>> Stefan
>>>>> For some reason, if you have conflicting UHD versions installed, the
>>>>> most common place for compilation to break is the swig'ging of the
>>>>> ATR
>>>>> registers. So: Please make sure there's only one UHD that cmake /
>>>>> swig/
>>>>> your compiler will find when building!
>>>> Thank you for the insight Marcus!!  What should I do to get rid of
>>>> the old
>>>> UHD, just delete the target folder?  I moved my old pybombs
>>>> directory to
>>>> pybombs_old, but I am guessing it can still see the source in
>>>> there?  I
>>>> didn't want to delete the old stuff until I knew I had the new stuff
>>>> working and that I didn't forget to copy any custom files over.
>>>> ~Jason
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