Hello, I am building a Linux server running ClearOS (a CentOS 7.2 derivative
https://www.clearos.com/ ) and, among other things, want to use it to decode
and record calls on a P25 trunking system.

I was able to successfully get trunk-recorder working with the GNU Radio
Live DVD (with great audio) and would like to get things permanently working
with Clear OS.  I am wondering if it is possible to do a minimal install of
GNU Radio without any GUI stuff (Clear OS doesn't have a desktop) and just
what trunk-recorder needs to decode P25 using a RTL SDR.

I'm guessing GNU Radio which is available in the Clear OS
repos is too old, and when I did try to install using PyBOMBS on it before I
ran into this issue with Apache Thrift
and the build-gnuradio script (I think) seemed to mess up the user database,
and overall wouldn't mind doing things manually on a fresh install.

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