> Was this using op25?

trunk-recorder uses its own version of op25

> You don't need thrift - it's optional. I've never installed thrift and
the builds complete - but I do have swig installed.

When I used PyBOMBS to install, it (tried to) install Thrift.

> The email addresses pkconfig, automake and libtool issues - nothing
about messing up a user database.

What happened was that I tried installing using PyBOMBS and got the error
regarding Thrift.  I then tried the build-gnuradio script and somewhere
along the way something with LDAP got messed up.  I'm not worried about that
as I'd like to start over from scratch and do things correctly.

> The nice thing about pybombs is it installs the dependencies

True, but one of the questions I have is whether all the dependencies it
installs are needed.

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