The "PLL lock messages" are normal during start-up for the gr-osmosdr
rtl-sdr driver.
SO, on your liveDVD image, you could do something like:
osmocom_fft -a rtl=0 -f 101.1e6 -g 30 -s 1.0e6 --fft-rate 10
Does you radio station show up on the FFT display?
On 2016-07-04 11:49, Darin Decker wrote:
> Thank you Marcus!
> Sorry, I should have been more clear.
> When trying to use the little RTL-SDR dongle, I have the following:
> 1. Tried to install on a Macbook Pro running El Capitan and that is where I'm
> getting 'The xterm executable " is missing' issue. When I just accept that
> and the flow runs, I get the no module named osmosdr error from python.
> 2. I have not tried to install GNU Radio on the Ubuntu 12.04 laptop because I
> had seen somewhere that 14.04 was needed to run it but I can give it a shot.
> 3. Live DVD which has Ubuntu 14.04 on it has the PLL won't lock when tried on
> either machine
> And just no luck at all trying to get the SDRplay to connect to it though I
> can get it to work with CubicSDR and HDSDR(don't like either very much).
> Thanks,
> Darin
> On Jul 4, 2016, at 10:31 AM, Marcus Müller <> wrote:
> Hi Darin,
> welcome! If I understand correctly, Ubuntu 12.04 is not supported I don't
> think that's true! I'd personally recommend not using a more
> than four years old distro when doing new, non-legacy stuff, but you
> should be able to build things on Ubuntu 12.04. so I have not pursued that
> much but focused on the Macbook Pro. ... which implies you're running OS X?
> Or some other version of a Linux
> Distro than Ubuntu 12.04?
> So, how did you install GNU Radio on that?
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 07/04/2016 04:52 PM, Darin Decker wrote: Good morning, I have been trying
> to get Gnuradio up and and running all weekend on either a Macbook Pro or a
> System 76 Ubuntu 12.04 machine but have not had any success. If I understand
> correctly, Ubuntu 12.04 is not supported so I have not pursued that much but
> focused on the Macbook Pro.
> When I try to run gnuradio-companion on the Mac, I initially get 'The xterm
> executable " is missing'. When I search for gnu radio.conf, the file doesn't
> seem to be on the computer.
> Then when I run a simple flow(RTL-SDR Source -> WX GUI FFT Sink), i get a
> python error of no module named osmosdr.
> Then I tried the Live DVD. Trying both from DVD and from USB Flashdrive. On
> both the System 76 and the Mac hardware, I get the same issue.
> I have an RTL-SDR device and I believe the program is recognizing the device
> because it says Rafael Tuner 820; however, it then says PLL won't lock. I
> have tried multiple FM broadcast frequencies; as well as, AM broadcast
> frequencies. On the FM, I'm inputting values of 101.1e06 for example. On
> the AM I input 108e04 as an example(1080 on am dial is the intended target in
> that case).
> I also have a SDRplay but can't get that to connect at all. Looks like if
> you don't have a Windows machine, that doesn't seem to work well yet.
> Guessing drivers or something on SDRplay side.
> Any help is greatly appreciated. For right now, I'm just wanting to get it
> up and running in any way possible.
> Darin
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