Thank you all. I will try again tonight. Initially I was trying to get SDRplay 
to work so followed the flow suggested in various sites for that but they 
didn't work and I may have messed something around that prevented a clean 
install of GNU Radio. 

> On Jul 5, 2016, at 1:33 PM, Michael Dickens <> wrote:
> I think if you follow the install guide for Mac OS X, GR will work
> almost out of the box. As stated, there are cases where some
> dependencies fail to build or the like; just "clean" the failed
> dependency, try to install it directly, and it usually works. Most
> dependencies are a binary download now; only a few are built from
> source.
> Mark: If you continue to have issue, email me off-list & I'll help you
> get it set up. I'm the GR/UHD/Volk Mac OS X support guy. - MLD
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