Thank you Marcus!

Sorry, I should have been more clear. 
When trying to use the little RTL-SDR dongle, I have the following:

1. Tried to install on a Macbook Pro running El Capitan and that is where I’m 
getting ‘The xterm executable “ is missing’ issue.  When I just accept that and 
the flow runs, I get the no module named osmosdr error from python.

2. I have not tried to install GNU Radio on the Ubuntu 12.04 laptop because I 
had seen somewhere that 14.04 was needed to run it but I can give it a shot.  

3. Live DVD which has Ubuntu 14.04 on it has the PLL won’t lock when tried on 
either machine 

And just no luck at all trying to get the SDRplay to connect to it though I can 
get it to work with CubicSDR and HDSDR(don’t like either very much).


> On Jul 4, 2016, at 10:31 AM, Marcus Müller <> wrote:
> Hi Darin,
> welcome!
>> If I understand correctly, Ubuntu 12.04 is not supported 
> I don't think that's true! I'd personally recommend not using a more
> than four years old distro when doing new, non-legacy stuff, but you
> should be able to build things on Ubuntu 12.04.
>> so I have not pursued that much but focused on the Macbook Pro. 
> ... which implies you're running OS X? Or some other version of a Linux
> Distro than Ubuntu 12.04?
> So, how did you install GNU Radio on that?
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 07/04/2016 04:52 PM, Darin Decker wrote:
>> Good morning, I have been trying to get Gnuradio up and and running all 
>> weekend on either a Macbook Pro or a System 76 Ubuntu 12.04 machine but have 
>> not had any success.  If I understand correctly, Ubuntu 12.04 is not 
>> supported so I have not pursued that much but focused on the Macbook Pro. 
>> When I try to run gnuradio-companion on the Mac, I initially get 'The xterm 
>> executable “ is missing’.  When I search for gnu radio.conf, the file 
>> doesn’t seem to be on the computer.
>> Then when I run a simple flow(RTL-SDR Source -> WX GUI FFT Sink), i get a 
>> python error of no module named osmosdr.
>> Then I tried the Live DVD.  Trying both from DVD and from USB Flashdrive.  
>> On both the System 76 and the Mac hardware, I get the same issue.
>> I have an RTL-SDR device and I believe the program is recognizing the device 
>> because it says Rafael Tuner 820; however, it then says PLL won’t lock.  I 
>> have tried multiple FM broadcast frequencies; as well as, AM broadcast 
>> frequencies.  On the FM, I’m inputting values of 101.1e06 for example.  On 
>> the AM I input 108e04 as an example(1080 on am dial is the intended target 
>> in that case).  
>> I also have a SDRplay but can’t get that to connect at all.  Looks like if 
>> you don’t have a Windows machine, that doesn’t seem to work well yet.  
>> Guessing drivers or something on SDRplay side.
>> Any help is greatly appreciated.  For right now, I’m just wanting to get it 
>> up and running in any way possible.
>> Darin
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