Hi Bijendra,

it's not quite clear what your question is.

A couple of things you might want to consider:

- AM is per se noisy. A commercial HF receiver would also have much
  better filters than you can achieve with an LFRX-only setup, so expect
  much noise here
- FM is much better with noise.
- You're not supposed to rx AM signals with an FM receiver.
- VHF and HF usually designate (separate) frequency ranges. So when
  talking about 'interoperability' between those, most people will be
  confused. Well, I am.


On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 12:58:06PM +0530, Bijendra Singh wrote:
> Hello every one,
> I'm working on a college level project to show interoperability between HF and
> VHF radio using GNU radio.
> My aims are listed below:
> 1)   To obtain FM transmitter and receiver waveform in GNU radio as flowgraph,
> so that i can communicate between laptop and VHF radio (In my case I'm using
> radio of the range 30-89.899 MHz)  :- This I have already achieved
> 2)    To obtain AM transmitter and receiver waveform in GNu radio as 
> flowgraph,
> so that I can communicate between laptop and HF radio (In my case I'm using a
> HF radio of the range 3-30 MHz)    :- I was able to download a SSB receiver 
> and
> it is functional but the noise level is high.
> 3)   To integrate Fm transmitter with AM receiver, so that one way 
> communicaton
> is possible from HF radio to VHF radio. :- This I have already achieved, but
> with too much of noise and low pitch voice.
> 4)   To integrate AM transmitter with FM receiver so that one way 
> communication
> is possible from VHF radio to HF radio.  I'm still lackung behind in this.
> 5)  To integrate both the 3rd and 4rth flowgraphs in a single flowgraph to 
> make
> Hf and VHF radio interoperable from both sides.
> 6)  My GNU version is, I'm using two usrp's 1 for the HF with lftx and
> lfrx daughter boards and the other for VHF with basic trans and basic receive
> daughter cards.Also I'm using dipole antenna.
> &0 Please guide me. I'm here attaching some .grc file I have downloaded, and
> which are working in my GNU, but noisy( only ssb_rx is noisy and sstx1 is not
> working)

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Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Communications Engineering Lab (CEL)

Dipl.-Ing. Martin Braun
Research Associate

Kaiserstraße 12
Building 05.01
76131 Karlsruhe

Phone: +49 721 608-43790
Fax: +49 721 608-46071

KIT -- University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and
National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association

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