I'm geared up and have created a test rbf, all seems well.  I'm running
Quartus on a Windows PC, while the USRP sits on Linux/Ubuntu.

It would seem that rx_buffer_inband.v and packet_builder.v will be seeing
major changes, if not complete rewrites.

I need to document the exact interface spec of rx_buffer_inband.  I'm
assuming there isn't any other design documentation for the guts anywhere,
just source, is that correct?  Perhaps the wiki would be a good place for my
notes?  That way any errors could be easily corrected in place, and we would
have at least a pittance of design docs for the new stuff...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: George Nychis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 4:20 PM
> To: Eric Schneider
> Cc: discuss-gnuradio
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] inband timestamp issues
> Hi Eric,
> Most, if not all, of our FPGA work is done by an undergrad here who
> knows Verilog.  He might not be able to contribute until September, as
> our first week of classes is this week and things need to settle.
> If you have Verilog experience and want to work with me on tackling the
> problem, I'd be more than happy to work with you.  We use Quartus tools
> to build the FPGA, which are completely free, and there is also a
> simulator available for it too if we are (and should) building some
> test
> benches.
> If you're a Linux user, like us, we run everything through VMWare with
> a
> Windows XP image and it works just fine.
> Here is where you can get the web edition:
> http://www.altera.com/products/software/quartus-ii/web-edition/qts-we-
> index.html
> This is the FPGA code branch I work out of:
> http://gnuradio.org/trac/browser/gnuradio/branches/developers/gnychis/f
> pga
> We can work together on changes to the branch, without you having SVN
> commit access any changes you'd like to make you might have to push
> through me as patches... but regardless, we can figure out a way.
> I'm free to work with you at any time, even when I'm traveling, I just
> want to get things done ASAP :)
> - George
> PS.  I pushed this to the list because its slightly useful information

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