> Ketan Mandke wrote:
>> George,
>> I am sure that Steve will check the single rx-chain and get back to
>> you with the results of that test.
>> Although, I have a hypothesis about what might be happening. Is it
>> possible that there are some control signals being sent to the USRP
>> over the command channel that disable the rx_buffer_inband while they
>> execute? Perhaps this is happening unbeknownst to us. I guess the more
>> general question here is what events/conditions cause the
>> packet_builder to be disabled?
> The packet builder is never disabled unless you completely stop the RX chain
> using the low level USRP reference to it (e.g., d_urx->stop() or something
> similar).  This is never executed in the example you are using, so the
> packet builder should at no point be disabled... it's always working, even
> when control stuff is going on.
> - George

Just a quick follow-up to this.  Last night I printed out diffs in the
std::clock() function along with the timestamp diffs right after the
packets are read.  There are no jumps in the std::clock(), which tells
me the timestamp jump is caused by something strange like the clock
being overwritten and not an actual delay.

I'll get back to you on the other requested tests.


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