Hi Everyone,

There has been a flurry of activity on the USRP side of the house.
The new style "Auto T/R Switching" code is in the verilog and host
side code.  I finally figured out how to get the daughterboard
destructors called.  Now we can be sure that the transmitter is off
when programs exit ;)

benchmark_gmsk_tx.py and rx now accept a -r or --bitrate argument.
You can specify pretty much anything between 50k and 1M.  It finds
the closest thing that's possible.  You can also constrain the
samples/baud that it will use if you like with the --spb command line
option.  2's the highest performance (least computation required), but
it'll use anything in 2,3,4,5.

If you're tracking CVS, please update:


The updated fpga .rbf file will come in with the usrp update, or you
can pick it up manually at http://comsec.com/usrp/usrp_fpga_rev2_2005_12_07.rbf

$ md5sum usrp_fpga_rev2_2005_12_07.rbf
3e20daa474740bddf03cce920c6a5ee9  usrp_fpga_rev2_2005_12_07.rbf

I've got one last thing I'm going to try to get finished tomorrow,
then I'll make the 2.6 release.


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