Yo Achim!

On Wed, 20 Dec 2017 11:14:46 +0100
Achim Gratz via devel <devel@ntpsec.org> wrote:

> Gary E. Miller via devel writes:
> > I'm confused.  To me, if you use --prefix, or DESTDIR, then you are
> > explicitly NOT doing a system install.  A system install MUST go
> > in /usr, per the FHS, and your DESTDIR is preventing that.  So now
> > you are a #3.  
> Nonsense.

And yet, we've been at this for weeks now...

> First off, the only distinction between system and user
> install is where the installation is actually _configured_ to go.

Not sure why that matters.  Never heard a definition like that
before.  Got any citation?

> DESTDIR moving the actual place of installation
> doesn't change a single thing.

Sure it does.  is changes where waf installs the resultant files.

FHS, and distro policies, say where that can be.

> Its only purpose is to allow the
> installation of a sytsem-configured build without clobbering files on
> the build system, but once packaged you couldn't care less what
> DESTDIR was set to (in fact it's considered a bug in the build system
> or packager if the DESTDIR or build paths leak out into the package).

I'm still totally confused by what you mean as 'system configured'???

I'm also totally confused as to what that has to do with where the
files get installed to by waf, which is all I care about.

> > Uh, I think you just described it above, with DESTDIR.  
> No, you're claiming Humpty-Dumpty privileges.

Uh, lost me.  Is that a technical term?

> Again, the point of DESTDIR is to capture the installation on one
> system, package it up into an archive and then plant it where it was
> originally supposed to be installed on another system.

Yeah, and all NTPsec cares about is DESTDIR.  What a packager does
after that is none of our business.  It is none of our biz wahat
happens after waf install.

Anything that happens after waf install is between the packager and his
distro.  Not out problem, as long as we give the packager the bits
he needs.

>  You can't use
> DESTDIR to install a working copy of your application someplace else
> than what was configured, at least not if that installation has any
> dependencies on absolute paths.

Really?  I musta been doing it wrong all along.  And a lot of other

> If you want to run anything out of
> /home/whatever/, then you should configure it with that prefix.

I think we got some terminology issues here.  When I use DESTDIR, I
feel I am 'configuring'.  And I'm still not sure what this has to
do with where waf install things, which is the only issue I care

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
        g...@rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

            Veritas liberabit vos. -- Quid est veritas?
    "If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it." - Lord Kelvin

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